This year The blog will have a series of ideas of what can be done with left over yarn from your projects. From tiny bits to the coveted yarn gem eggs that have gathered in our stash.
I hate to throw away any yarn at all, particularly hand dyed yarn. I think many of us feel the same way, but what can we do with the super small bits? The tie off bits from around the skein or the bit trimmed from the ends after we weave them in can all be used.
I picked up this bird feeder at the dollar store and fill it with the ties from the skeins in the spring when the birds are making their nest. They are happy to add the soft bits to their nest.

These little bits also can be donated to a wildlife center to line the basket nest for the baby animals that they have in their care. Soft and warm fill for the baby bunny and birds. The center near me also loves to receive knit or crochet bowls/basket to use as nests for them. This is another quick and easy project, and the animals do not care what colors are in it.